Your Estimated Savings
With CostCuts, you can quickly see a detailed estimate of how much we can save you annually across all your software subscriptions, regardless of your current setup. Using your current platform accounts and spending, we calculate realistic savings based on our negotiated discounts and flexibility with long-term commitments. This estimate helps you understand the value CostCuts can bring in minutes, and it’s completely free to view.
Your Actual Savings
For current customers, the dashboard tracks how much CostCuts has already saved you compared to your historical baseline costs. This total reflects the cumulative savings across all your platforms, including LinkedIn, MongoDB, Stripe, and others.
The dashboard also breaks down the estimated annual savings for each subscription, showing how much more you’ll save in the next year with CostCuts' model. Over time, as CostCuts further optimizes your agreements and reassigns unused licenses or commitments, this number will continue to grow.
The dashboard provides full transparency into your past savings, your estimated future savings, and the original costs of your software, giving you a complete view of how CostCuts is helping your business reduce expenses without compromising on the tools you need.